Katja Riedel lecturing at Canterbury University (Photo: Jamie Fitton)

Katja Riedel lecturing at Canterbury University (Photo: Jamie Fitton)

Katja is passionate about science communication and education and has worked many years as research scientist in the field of atmospheric science and climate change. She has a talent to explain complex issues in simple ways engaging  her audiences, no matter if she speaks to school children, university students or interested grown-ups. The topics she covers range from climate change, ice cores, ozone research and weather to Antarctica. She lectures at several universities and gives also presentations to community groups and school classes.

Additionally to scientific papers Katja has also published popular articles in magazines like NZ Science Teacher, Chemistry Education in New Zealand and Water and Atmosphere . She participated in the Science Learning Hub and chapters in Te Ara and Climatica.


For the the movie Thin ice – The inside story of climate science she was interviewed in regard to her work monitoring greenhouse gas concentrations in New Zealand. See a part of the movie on Carbon dioxide measurements at Baring Head below.

Katja and Martin talk about how the levels of CO2 and oxygen in the atmosphere are routinely measured at the Baring Head clean air monitoring station in New Zealand. They also observe CO2 levels are rising and oxygen is falling.


The following video is related to methane gas measurements at Baring Head

Dr Katja Riedel from Niwa explains the process of sampling air at Baring Head, near Wellington, New Zealand.


Antarctic Videos

During a recent ice drilling expedition to Taylor Glacier in the Dry Valleys, Antarctica Katja was behind (and in front) of the camera.  (Editor: Dave Allen)

Back to the Future

Hinrich Schaefer and Katja Riedel discuss their ice coring work on Taylor Glacier in Antarctica.

Dr Katja Riedel and Dr Hinrich Schaefer discuss NIWA's ice coring work on Taylor Glacier in Antarctica.


Summer Camp - Extreme

PhD Student Eleanor Rainsley talks about her experience living and working on Taylor Glacier, Antarctica.

PhD Student Eleanor Rainsley tells us about her experience living and working on Taylor Glacier, Antarctica.